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The Faith Forward Collaborative Healing Substance Addiction (FFC) is a group of faith-based leaders in Delaware with the purpose of creating a sustainable faith-based educational and outreach effort to take action against the state’s overdose crisis at a community level. Our collaborative is inclusive of all faith groups that are interested in participating and which are willing to work under the umbrella of the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health (DSAMH) guidance.

Praying Hands



To mobilize all faith communities of Delaware through a  collective spiritual approach to substance abuse education, prevention, treatment, and recovery services.


  1. Create and disseminate evidence-based information and tools to encourage and empower Delaware faith leaders to address substance addiction issues in their congregations and communities.

  2. Build a library of resources for faith leaders to find relevant, accessible, and proven education, prevention, treatment, and recovery services to help their congregations and communities address their substance addiction needs.

  3. Conduct awareness, education, and prevention events with faith leaders across Delaware and in specific faith communities. This incudes Narcan Point of Distribution (POD) events, and hosting a summit/conference about substance use disorder for Delaware faith leaders.

Benefits of Joining our Collaborative

  • Free education and training  about substance use disorder.

  • Free Access to Monthly Webinars on different topics affecting our community

  • Free customizable toolkit to help you provide support to individuals suffering from substance use disorder in your community.

  • Free Overdose Reversal Training and Medicine provided by Delaware Division of Public Health.

  • Access to our website to post your events.

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