Introduction to Alcohol Use Disorder
This presentation will provide a general overview of Alcohol Use Disorder, including key concepts, and information about criteria for the diagnosis.
Participants will also learn about the effects and risks of alcohol use and abuse, medical problems associated with alcohol use and about treatment for alcohol use disorders.
Change Your Focus, Change Your Response
During this webinar participants learned the value of making small changes to improve their mindset to overcome life’s challenges. Recognizing that responsibility is one's ability to respond appropriately, thereby determining the impact and outcome of life's decisions.
The Relationship between SUD and Domestic Violence
The Faith Forward Collaborative Healing Substance Addiction partnered with the Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence to present this webinar in observance of Peace Week Delaware. Presented by Ama Amponsah, Community Health Coordinator at DCADV.
SUD 101 Training
This webinar is designed to give faith leaders a solid grounding in the basics of substance use disorder (SUD), and specifically for opioid use disorder (OUD). It will cover how opioids affect brain chemistry and how they can hijack an individual’s ability to think and reason clearly. This webinar provides practical, faith-based approaches to supporting individuals with SUD and their families.
This webinar provides an evidence-based approach to the treatment of pain. The multi-modal approach to the treatment of pain involves both non-pharmacological and pharmacological interventions. Harm reduction strategies such as the safe storage, disposal, and use of Naloxone Spray will be discussed. The benefits of medication-assisted treatments in opioid use disorder are analyzed. Finally, how to find help for someone with opioid use disorder.
Recovery Support Services in Delaware
Karen Records, Chief of Social Determinants at Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health (DSAMH) shares information on recovery support services available in Delaware and strategies within DSAMH to support clients and communities and to address health related social needs.